What is your name? Buddy Holley
Where are you from? Newark, Ohio
What is the name of your business? Buddy’s Beard Care
What do you make or sell? Men’s Grooming products
Would you describe your products? Ingredients, types of fabrics, etc. All of our products are made with premium ingredients and most of our suppliers are located in Ohio.
Do you do this full-time or as a side hustle? This is a side Hustle
Do you have another job? What is it if so? Work full-time in the automotive business.
How did you come up with your business name? My nickname is Buddy and I felt like the name just flowed well for the business.
What got you started doing this? I started making my own mens grooming products and shared them with friends and they started asking for it more frequently. Once it started to gain traction the business was born.
What is your creative process like? Typically we treat the process as a day-to-day kind of thing. If something we experience happens or inspiration and if it fits our brand or model we use it.
Do you have a website? We do www.buddysbeardcare.com
How about instagram and facebook? @Buddysbeardcare