What is your name? Maria Rosenfeld
Where are you from? Hilliard, Ohio
What is the name of your business? The Boho Bath Boutique
What do you make or sell? Candles and bath products
Would you describe your products? Soy candles in various sizes, bath teas, bath salts, bath bombs using essential oils, self-care gift sets
What are Bath Teas?
Bath tea is a type of tea that is meant to be used in the bath. The tea leaves are steeped in hot water and then the brew is added to the bathtub. Bath teas can be made with different types of tea leaves, herbs, and spices. The most popular type of bath tea is chamomile bath tea. Chamomile bath tea is made with chamomile flowers, which have a calming effect on the body. Other popular types of bath tea include lavender bath tea and peppermint bath tea.
Bath teas are usually made with loose-leaf tea, but they can also be made with tea bags. When using loose-leaf tea, it is important to use a tea infuser so that the tea leaves do not float around in the bathtub. To make a bath tea, simply add the desired amount of loose-leaf tea or tea bags to the infuser and steep in hot water for 3-5 minutes. Then, add the infuser to the bathtub and enjoy!
Bath teas can be used for their therapeutic benefits or simply for relaxation. When using bath tea for its therapeutic benefits, it is important to choose a tea that contains ingredients that will help to address your specific needs. For example, if you are looking to soothe muscle aches and pains, you may want to choose a bath tea that contains lavender and peppermint. If you are looking to ease anxiety, you may want to choose a chamomile bath tea.
Do you do this full-time or as a side hustle? This is my side hustle
Do you have another job? What is it if so? I’m a full-time mama of four kiddos!!!
How did you come up with your business name? I just thought it was catchy and thought it suited the overall feel of our products
What got you started doing this? We started our little business during the 2020 quarantine
What is your creative process like? Pouring candles and making my bath products is like a little retreat from the hustle and bustle of being a mom. It’s when I can just zone into what I’m doing and be creative and have some time to myself. It really is therapeutic.