What is your name? The Ingrams! (Wesley, Eliza & Haddon)
Where are you from? Canal Winchester
What is the name of your business? Ingram Acres
What do you make or sell? We specialize in gourmet granolas made with local and organic ingredients!
Would you describe your products? Ingredients, types of fabrics, etc. We offer a full line of handcrafted gourmet granola including customer favorites like Cherry Pistachio and Maple Pecan. We bake in small batches and make sure each bag is loaded with title ingredients, so every serving is delicious.
Do you do this full-time or as a side hustle? This is a full-time family business

What got you started doing this? We were inspired to start Ingram Acres when we had our daughter in 2013. We were not satisfied with the commercial foods that lined local grocery store shelves. They were loaded with sugars and additives and we were determined to create healthy, delicious foods made with wholesome, locally-sourced, and organic ingredients to feed our family. We began selling our products at local farmers’ markets, and quickly realized our granola was some of the best around. In addition to markets, we expanded selling our granola to specialty and grocery stores around Ohio, including The Humble Crate!

What is your creative process like? We are creative spirits by nature, so we enjoy experimenting with flavors and coming up with delicious new combinations of granola. The act of creating a healthy, consumable product is really important to us.
How can we get in touch? Facebook and Instagram